Perinatal Mental Health Support for Families 

Re-story your relationship to motherhood

Entering a relationship with a little human you’ve never met is a pretty big deal

And becoming a parent can open us up to vulnerabilities we never expected.

You may not have thought to seek perinatal mental health support before, but here you find yourself wondering if it could clear the mental mire that’s clouding your enjoyment as you walk your path to parenting.

The uncertainty of new life unfolding is the hardest to hold

It’s no wonder we feel confused, alone, and unsure how to express our innermost feelings.

Growing Parents offers a safe space for holistic perinatal mental health care on your parenting journey.

We are passionate about real parenting and know that the motherhood map is never a straight path. We want to do away with parenting perfection myths and empower you with the tools to reimagine your relationship to motherhood.

You own your journey. We’re only here to guide you through the mess.

At the end of the day, the small things count, relationships matter, and life is imperfect. Dealing with our experiences can empower us to create the future we want.

There are no super-mums here, just real people with real lives.

Parenting perfection doesn’t exist

We parent in a time of pressure, unattainable expectations, and information overload. This can have us veering off-course to create an unrealistic image of ourselves as parents, instead of doing what’s intuitively right for our family.

Walking the parenting path brings up all shades of emotion—even thoughts we’d rather shun than explore—and dealing with them isn’t something we’re taught to do.

Growing Parents offers specialised perinatal mental health services to support you in being the kind of parent you want to be while journeying into parenthood (and beyond) without losing who you are.

Perinatal mental health support for all sorts of families

It’s more common than most of us think to experience mental health issues through this part of your life—and other family members might experience them too.  

Often the focus is on getting ready for birth and establishing a nursery, but the tricky underlying work is that we are growing into a new role and creating space for a new person (or more) in our lives. While being conscious of physical wellness is vital, it’s equally crucial that mental wellness is considered and taken up early by qualified professionals.

Some of the ways we’d love to support you is in understanding how you were parented, what this means for you now, and how to acknowledge limitations and trauma to fully become the mother you want to be.

Dads, other parents, and birth support people are welcome at Growing Parents. They might want to attend individually or as part of couples work.